city of reFlections
city scape surFaces.
a mist of questions. at the foot of mountain
atTempts at stating beauty fAil.
vaCant lot.
into an equation
of stucco. to reStore the look of elsewHere
into a little further. less alLotted homesick
bite into the beckoning blue. become
foRest for the city of reFlections.
or shall we stick to better surfaces? concrete
higher and higher. self eRased
well serViced.
homeless and all that gLitters
side by side.
shall we stIck to being surfaces? wood at best
say just because to specific questions.
mouth unique answers to replace the trees.
make an East and a West. to test
riSing mortgage waters that comPound
our shores. how the mortGage will look
out for us
with feeling.
will look us up
and dOwn. deforested. how
passer by. afford a less abstrActed
self. looked but not in the eye.
add what shocks the equation—
the lawn the break neck pAce the sophistication—
then reCycle madly for sCraps of grace.