No beauty was ever stated, the answers
were never unique,
my family east never dreamed of this
green place and I could never dream of
mortgage, land to allot, of being
someone allotted space
and green security what
can't we do, what is elsewhere?
what looks less abstract, believably
what looks less abstract, believably
stable no basement suite flooded ceiling house
to be in but not of. Imagine
smooth front lawns, the green
the stucco of the houses (east) I grew
up in, all that glitters stuck in the surface.
Sense reflected in side-view
Sense reflected in side-view
mirrors, mornings in cars, wood
once breathtaking rots in walls
once breathtaking rots in walls
I can't afford. Can't see the trees for the city. Can't
see life for the trees, past cedars
and mountains is a 9% vacancy rate life
and mountains is a 9% vacancy rate life
is east, west is dreams, stay
for the city, for the trees.