is always a failed attempt, never
to declare a unique response, to formulate
specific enough questions to find answers, how
to declare a unique response, to formulate
specific enough questions to find answers, how
can you fit a family inside a life made out of
dreams not stucco and two by fours, how
can you live on earth if you can't afford the dirt
can you live on earth if you can't afford the dirt
you stand on?
What can you not afford? What looks
What can you not afford? What looks
like something else, like more
than what it is, like less
than what it should be?
Is grace a lawn? Is it stucco
glittering in the sun and is there sun and can we
afford to be. To be.
Can we be glittering
Can we be glittering
can we be mirrors?
We want wood before it was wood, before
it stopped breathing. Further east
people survive but where's
the feeling?