fret the fate of the nuclear famine....y el futura del budismo a tonic axe is not just an ad $ & consequent rank clubbing hopes in the hall, not just the modern patron to step into the ole alb. it is a sedative, this spending like there is a tomorrow. a skilful bacon mural,words, the gateway drug of the meat market world. it's the tamari on the telephone: the re: ports of my threat are greatly exaggerated, dear ole p. cobb.
fret the fate of the nuclear famine....y el futura del budismo a tonic axe is not just an ad $ & consequent rank clubbing hopes in the hall, not just the modern patron to step into the ole alb. it is a sedative, this spending like there is a tomorrow. a skilful bacon mural,
words, the gateway drug of the meat market world. it's the tamari on the telephone: the re: ports of my threat are greatly exaggerated, dear ole p. cobb.
What is the sum of 5 and 10:
It's your turn! Move into the poem. Renovate it. Knock down its walls. Put your spin on it. Make it your own.