The Vancouver Special
This one,
this one out out damn spot dog
weaves, just a hair
West of the special school for teeth
I'll light the fire, while you place the flowers
In the vase that you bought today.
Our children are safe in antique crisp catalogues
Our house, is a very, very, very fine one of them.
With two wells in the yard,
Life used to be so yard,
Now everything is tea and trumpets
Come to me now, and rest your head for just five minutes,
read your special edition derbustics issue of TORO
I snagged you from the mag stand.,
where the wild's still
being running eggwhite real
down, whittled, my beak not capable of
hurting you or your family
flexing into steroids
and more
than breakfast caught by the children and
that guy around back who lives in the shed
where the horses may be still
keeping score in that game of life horse shoe badminton
crying until we release them back to their pastures
pasturised, circumstanced, plank plank plank paint job
the end