I stand in front of you, with a feeling of impending doom
Just us two, the only people in the room
I try to run for the door
But I'm super-glued to the floor
You give me The Look
And around me things begin to cook
The sofa bursts into flames
Fear urges me to call out your name
Of me even croaking out a sound
The heat from your eyes makes the room go round
I reach out for the wall
But my vision begins to fall
Yet you still aim The Look my way
Unwavering, as if to say "I'm here to stay"
Then somehow you hear my cries
You hear my parched looking eyes
Later that night
I don't feel right
Granted, I did survive
and still I was alive
But oh how I ache all over
Because of The Look, because of the Lover
Because of his radiance
Because of his existance.